The REAL reason that French women don’t get fat

It’s a ubiquitous cliche in the weight-loss world: French women possess some secret that enables them to live off bread, cheese and wine and retain the slim physique of a teenager. There is no shortage of books and articles speculating on why this is the case – what mythical code have these women cracked that’s enabled them to really have it all? To indulge in the finest culinary delights that Europe has to offer, never living in denial of pleasure, but never overdoing it so that when it comes time to slip on that little black dress it fits like a perfect silhouette. All the explanations that have been given contain glimpses of truth that elude to the bigger picture but never quite uncover it. The truth is more complex than simple dietary rules and instead touch on the fundamentals of what it means to exist within a culture.

This article will outline a few of my favourite theories that explain the mysterious ‘French paradox’. Many of these theories are worth integrating into your approach if you want to live a life of balance and elegance. I will then outline my own theory of the French paradox, drawing on my experience of living in both rural and urban France as well as French speaking Switzerland (where there are many cultural overlaps), as well as my knowledge of the social implications of health through years of studying health science.

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French health hacks – the chic approach to weight loss

Hack #1 – wine medicine / the resveratrol connection 

We’re beginning to understand more and more the link between wine and longevity. As it stands, current research indicates that the polyphenol resveratrol which is found in red wine (and white to a lesser extent) has been shown to lower inflammation, prevent neurodegenerative symptoms, increase metabolism and overall increase longevity. As with most research where human health is concerned, the reasons are not completely clear, so proceed with caution! What is known is that there is a clear link between cultures who drink red wine moderately and longevity, especially relating to heart health. So don’t be shy to order a glass of pinot grigio at your next dinner and savour it slowly like the French do.

Hack #2 – raw milk cheese / a rebuttal to our over sanitised food system 

One striking difference between dairy products in France/ Switzerland and Anglophone countries (England, Australia, the US) is the abundance of raw/ unpasteurised dairy products found in the former. In fact, it is extremely difficult to find raw milk and cheese in many countries due to strict food health and safety regulations. Our food system has become so overly sanitised that a lot of foods loose their natural gut-friendly bacteria in the sterilisation process. This is truly a shame in my opinion: raw dairy contains an abundance of health benefits which have been well researched. One of these is weight loss. It is also a good source of protein and is packed with nutrients which have not been destroyed in the pasteurisation process.

Some of the most famous French and Swiss cheeses are made from unpasteurised milk. These include Roquefort, Gruyere, Comte, Parmesan, Reblochon and may others. So the next time you’re at a French restaurant or supermarket, try to look out for unpasteurised cheeses. Some even call them the original super foods. Healthy eating never tasted so rich and decadent.

Hack #3 – meal timing and portion control 

If you’re from the English speak world then you’ve probably heard the expression ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’. Well, the French take a slightly different approach to the carb-heavy ‘English Breakfast’. They instead opt for a light breakfast, or none at all except for coffee with a dash of milk. The biggest meal of the day in the French diary is normally lunch, and dinners tend to be on the lighter side too. And research is slowly catching up in explaining the benefits of a lighter breakfast.

When you’re active on an empty stomach, your body doesn’t burn glucose converted from food. It’s instead burning calories from stored fat – called ketones – and you’re body operates in a mode knows as ‘ketosis’. Research from the University of Alabama Birmingham has shown that people burn more calories when the skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast will also give you more balanced insulin levels for the day.

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The REAL reason French women don’t get fat – this may surprise you. 

The answer is more simple than any of the reasons I’ve outlined above: it’s culture. French women don’t get fat because they have a culture that doesn’t allow them to put on the pounds and still feel good in their own skin. French women accept their genetic physical attributes and do their best to enhance or offset them through diet and lifestyle. They view a woman who is overweight as a woman who has truly let herself go, thrown in the towel and tapped out of social discourse all together. And this cultural motivation to be thin (and appear in control and engaged in life) is the biggest motivator of all French women have to staying thin. In other words – fat shaming works. Of course there area approaches to staying in shape which work better than others. However the motivation to stay the course comes from a social pressure which is much less accepting of larger women and hasn’t bought into the ‘body positive’ movement. It’s why we see women in China, Japan, Korea and France remain slender and elegant throughout their lives despite completely different diets and lifestyles.

We cannot underestimate the effects that culture has on human behaviour. The more you understand this, the more you can implement it into your life. Be conscious of who you hang around and which practices you’re unconsciously adopting. Surround yourself with people who value health and vitality and who practice mindful eating. Without even realising it, you’ll notice your habits changing too.

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